Youth Need Life Skills...
We Teach Them

Welcome to SkillZilla, Zillasaurs, the jungle of knowledge and skills. 

Our mission is to equip you with the essential knowledge for navigating the complexities of 'adulting.'

Dive into our diverse modules that are more thrilling than a dinosaur chase, encompassing a wide spectrum of topics, from coding to culinary art.


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Learn More About SkillZilla

Skill Up with SkillZilla

SkillZilla is your ultimate skill-enhancer... on your mobile! Our app equips you with essential life skills that boost your self-confidence, help you forge fantastic friendships, and teach you valuable patience.

Skill Up Anywhere, Anytime

Learn on your own time and at your own pace.

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To Win &
Earn Rewards
Earn gift cards, points & other sweet benefits when you level up.

Crush Your Adulting Goals

Learn real skills that will help you develop & reach your #lifegoals.

“I think this is a great idea. The worst thing that schools took out was the home economic, auto shop, etc. classes. These classes offered so many useful skills for real life.”
~ Emma C.